Monday, July 20, 2009

Pandan Bread

Last Friday night, I attempt breadmaking using the pullman loaf tin, I use the recipe from PH class, used half the recipe for my 400g loaf tin, the result turn out quite ok except that the top was not so brown, so I remove the cover and put the bread back into the oven and let it brown a little.
Although due to my carelessness the color turn out a little shocking...hehe..but at least the texture of the bread was ok, its stays soft till Sunday morning.

Ingredients: ( I use half recipe for 400g loaf tin)
500g Bread Flour
12g Dried yeast (I use instant yeast)
5g Bread improver (I didn’t add)
35g Fine sugar
15g Milk powder
310ml Pandan juice (I use 1 tsp pandan paste with water)
1 tsp Pandan paste
40ml UHT milk
20g Unsalted butter
10g Shortening
10g Salt

1. Put all Ingredients together except salt and shortening, butter.
2. Add in salt, butter and shortening, mix until a smooth dough.
3. Rest dough for 40min – 1 hour and divide the dough to weight and shape required.
4. Put in sandwich tins to proof until double the size.
5. Egg Wash and bake at 180°C for 25-30min.

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